Monday, December 30, 2013

Dream Boards

2014 is coming fast!  Funny, but this year has flown by faster than any I can remember!  Maybe because it's been a full year.

Looking back, the highs and lows are many.  From hospital stays and treatments, waiting for more information, and our fun with friends and family, we've made a lot of unique memories in 2013.  Even still, I'm looking forward to a bit of a different year to come in 2014, hopefully I can help that along.

A friend of mine shared an activity she does with her son before each new year.  Together the two make "dream boards" which pin point exact goals for the upcoming year.  She even has some questions to help the brainstorming process with what to place on there.  Then, throughout the year, she not only knows what sparks his interest but can actively help him work towards achieving his dreams for the year.

I just love this!  Not only can I not wait to do this with my kids, but I'm excited to write my own!  Here's to a 2014, filled with hard work and dreams come true.

**Some Dream Board Prompts**

Something I would like to learn is

Someone I want to be more like is ___________ because

Some place I would like to visit is

A new food I would like to try is

A good deed I would like to do is 

One book I would like to read is

I would like to try to be better at

I would like to change  (a habit)

At home I would like to

At school I would like to

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